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GD2: Minimalist Poster Design

You will be making a minimalist poster for a movie of your choosing. The only words included in the poster will be the title of the movie or book. Begin by watching this video to learn about minimalist posters.

Now gather inspiration for your own poster design by creating a pinterest board with a minimum of 10 minimalists posters. Here is an example of one I created for this assignment.


  1. Use illustrator to create this poster. Make a document that is 8.5" wide by 11" tall. Name it A1_minimal_your name. Save to a folder labeled graphic design on your computer.

  2. Use your inspiration file to guide your design. Look closely at the type layout on your inspiration board and try using the same font and layout on one of your inspiration posters.

  3. Use a maximum of 3 colors, one solid color aside from white should be the background color.

  4. Focus on one central graphic that has been designed down to its' simplest form (like the watermelon example in the video)

  5. The only words used should be the title of the film or book.

  6. Make sure your design is MINIMAL according to the video and the examples provided in the pinterest board. This assignment is due at the end of class Tuesday, Oct 27.

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