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Magazine Cover Design

You are making a magazine cover exact replica.


1. Select an existing magazine cover from the list of magazines, clear with me, and download the largest file size to your desktop. COVER MUST HAVE PERSON OVERLAPPING MAGAZINE TITLE. (like the samples below)

List of magazines to choose from:

(choose a design that provides appropriate challenge for your level of design skills)

PC Gamer

Popular Mechanics

Rolling Stone


Digital Photographer

Wired Magazine (must create cut out letter of title yourself in illustrator)

BBC History Magazine

Games Master

Sports Illustrated


Vanity Faire

use these files if you want to make the assignment easier:

2. Start a new file that is 17 inches wide by 11 inches tall. Import your magazine cover into this file. Make a copy of this layer so you have two magazine covers. Place one on the right and the other on the left. Lock both layers. Create a new layer. You will work in this new layer. Recreate your design directly over the magazine cover on the right. Save this file as “PA1_mag_yourname” saved to a new folder called “magazine” in your google drive.


Popular Mechanic Font Here:

Rolling Stone titles here:

- Try and get the fonts as close as possible by matching serif/san serif.

- Make sure you align all the type elements.

- Use the following type tools:



Alignment Tool

Watch this video for tips on matching the type layout:

Student Samples:

(original on left, student design on right)

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